

Friday, December 24, 2010

The "WORD" Became Flesh

It's  Christmas!,  The Solemnity of the Birth of Jesus Christ. The Bible says "In the beginning was  the Word and Word was with God,....  the Word became flesh and dwell among us".  For me this is the most special event in the church and in our congregation "the Society of the Divine Word".   We are missionaries of the the "Divine Word".  With our tag line "Witness to the Word".  I do reflect on this, as an SVD Brother.  I must carry the "Word"  with me by not carrying the Bible but carrying it to my  in to my life, in my thoughts , words and in actions.  Joining the congregation means to me, is accepting the "Word", I have recognized Him, I accepted Him and followed Him for Life.  However, not a 100%.  I'm not a perfect person.   I struggled everyday to become one.  And this is the challenged.  Everyday, still I'm trying to perfectly followed Him.  But war always imminent.  The war between the reality as a Human and then of being a religious Missionary.  There are still so much to be learned in order to perfectly shaped up my self, to become carrier, reflection and witness of the Word.  to be continued......

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Year to Celebrate and to Remember.

This year 2010, I won't forget everything that happened around me, events that somehow now become part of my life.  First, I remember that this year I became a walking medicine cabinet.  This is the year when my health came into highlight.  So much to carry , the burden of taking 5 medicines a day.  The painful hours in my body, the restless hours during the tuning of my body to the medicines.  Yes, I could cried aloud to nowhere and say " I'm Tired" .  I am now gaining and harvesting the side effects of my body;s waining behavior.  I know that this is not anymore a joke nor a normal thing comparing  it to others and to you whoever reading this post.  It sounds like.. "Hey, your growing Old already,  Watch out  your Health. . I'm going to be 50 years old this January 2011.  And this is the Golden Year for my self.  And I have to on to function and serve as I was task to do and fulfilled my promised to God for Life.  And these will go on until I rest with Him whom I vowed for life as a Religious Brother..  Many things happen already... those past days , months and years that  was not recorded in this blog but recorded in God's  Diary. Time will come that I will also have my rest in a place and a situation that there will be no more pains in my life, no more crying, no one can ruined my life anymore, no one can stab my back anymore, no cross in my life, no more everything,  it is Zero gravity.  I remember too, the places where I went to and visited.  I remember those persons whom I have encountered for the past years and those people who went ahead to closed their life's book.  Still there are things to be done because unless the time and day stopped,  life must go on and on.  There are more who needs help, physically, mentaly and financially and spiritually..  Yet, the reality,  it is a never ending story.  A cycle that flows to the different flaws of life. We come and go. and paralleled  to the daily events is the cycle of generation to generation who played different roles in life.

Now what is it that  we have to celebrate?, for me to celebrate? and for what reason (s)?.  This is the daily events in life which is supported by life experiences.  The very first second when  I  woke up in the morning or every after sleeping or rest for minutes and hours......I am talking about the " breath of life ". Because for me it the first and the most important.  Life is is most important than anything else.  because if theres is no life, nothing will happen, none, meaningless.  Thus,   because I exist, I Live and I'm Alive. I Have a God given Life.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


TIME :Oras"  in Tagalog, "Takna" in Cebuano, whatever, is connected always in our lives.   The Time shows the significant events in life, it speaks about the language of feelings , temperament, thinking , health and more.  In an hour , minute and in every seconds counts the flow of everything in this world.  I thought about my life at this very moment.   with the past events that unfolded in my life, the past situations that somehow touched my whole being as Human Nature , A Nature that was blessed by God.  Why because in my belief God is the source of my Life.  That is why I really thank Him for the gift of Life everyday that I woke up in the morning.   for without it, I don't even know what will happen to me, If I will still woke in the morning or not anymore.   That is why for me Life is So Precious. I have to  and must thank the Lord that I'm still alive up to this moment.  But Life has to end soon.  Like other Natures it grow old until to the last drop of energy and life.  Life the clock, that reminds what time is it, it do stops if the battery is already weak. Thus, everything has it's own time when and where it will end.  Just like the song with this lyrics in Tagalog "Pagdating  ng panahon", when the time come.  Come what may.  Everything will Vow to an end.  I saw and witnessed so many things in this world, how nature dies. and when my  love ones ; my parents , my brother , my sisters  and others died.  I know that this the ultimate and the destiny of anybody  including me.  Time will come that I will also pass this way to reached the end of my precious life.   And that I have to prepare when that time will come.  Yes I know that there will be bargaining process but certainly it will give in to it to received  it openly and bravely, after all everything has to end.  This world is just a temporary stage where the different characters in our life dramas played their individual role.  so our they  who went ahead with us can say " Today is Mine Tomorrow Is Yours"

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Ballpen that Saved the Renewal of Vows

Last week I attended the Renewal of vows of our two Junior Brothers; Brothers Errol and Amor..  The date is May 30,20010, and the time 6:30 a.m.  The ceremony goes so smoothly with the angelic voices of the Brothers seminarians. Father Provincial.. the Provincial superior of the SVD in the southern Province was the main celebrant as the representative of our Fr. General. Together with him is Father Rocha, SVD. All of a sudden all of us was surprised when Father Provincial .. asked  for a "Ball pen" ... this is one of the important part of the renewal... the signatures  of  Brothers Errol and Amor as they promised again  for one year to lived the vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience. So lucky that the music instructor and organist had a ball pen.Publish Post..

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Unique Halo-Halo

During our scheduled tour around the Mt. Mayon in Albay (Bicol),  There is something still, I won't forget - the "Halo-Halo".   This is the only Halo-Halo in the Philippines that there is something unique.  It tastes good and different from the knowned halo-halo of the well knowned fast food chains in the Philippines.  What makes it unique is that . we've traveled more than two hours . From Legaspi city to Tiwi Albay only  to reached the place where this unique Halo-Halo is being served, . the DJc - Jokingly from Dong Jeroz's Counter? but it is not ... only it sounds like my name initials.  Yes, the place where we eat and taste this stuff.  It's free from uric acid because there is no any beans added..  I wondered about  their secret?  why it tastes so yummy.!

Friday, April 16, 2010

A Historic Event

Last April 7 -10,2010, I joined the 4th DWEA (Divine Word Educational Association)assembly at the Divine Word College of Legaspi. We traveled eleven hours by land and sea from Tacloban City to Legaspi City, I together with Fr. Rene. Sr. Rose Ann, teacher Teresa and Joy. We represent our school -  Liceo Del Verbo Divino. I was so lucky to joined the tour around the city and the visit to Cagsawa ruins overlooking the famous Mt. Mayon. This is my first time to visit the said tourist's  place. Although I am a Bicolano, lived in Sorsogon (a neighboring province of Albay). A once in a life time  and a great opportunity for me to be one of the delegates of Liceo Del Verbo Divino who joined the assembly. This is the best experienced ever so far that happened in my life. I called it "Historic" because for 49 years in my life this is just my first time to see the Cagsawa Ruins. For two days ... we had the assembly and two days touring the city and some places in Albay. On the last day - April 11, 2010, we had a guided tour around the Mt. Mayon.... from Legaspi city to albay....- Tabaco . and a side trip to Tiwi then back to Tabaco Albay before going back to Legaspi City. It is  so wonderful!.. my first time to tour around the Mt. Mayon Volcano;  to see the different angles and places around the Mt. Mayon. The pictures speaks of the beauty of Mt. Mayon. Now I can say I'm really proud to be a Bicolano, I'm proud of the beauty of Mt. Mayon, I'm proud to experienced a historic visit to Mt. Mayon.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


This is my 49Th year to celebrate the Holy Week. The week to remember the agony and pains, insults "Death of Jesus"; the carrying of the cross and His crucifixion. That is why I always hear to other people ... that when someone is experiencing pains , in any parts of the body... as if you're being crucified. Yes, anything pains, problems is now being connected or relate it to the crucifixion. In short the pains that anybody is experiencing right now, out of any sickness, any problems is said to be our part of the crucifixion in our life? If it so, we are experiencing the Holy Week in our life. Thus, the ordinary pains or any pains to talk about is now being spiritualized to the sense that we can called those pains as "Holy Pain" ? The being in-one with Jesus who suffered so many pains until He died on the cross at the hill called Golgotha. I wrote this blog in line with this event... Holy Week today, the Good Friday. This is what came into my mind. because of the pain I am experiencing right now... I am suffering in pain from my arthritis on my two feet. My toes.... yes, it's too painful... everyday... it seems it's incurable.... i too can say to my self.. I'm, in crucifixion everyday because of it. There are times when I cry because of the pain. I started to asked myself, Is it the same pain that Jesus encountered and experienced ? I will answer.. NO. because I cannot compare myself to Jesus who is my Lord and My God. Yes I'm suffering from this pain everyday, but it is not good and right to connect it to Jesus' pain experienced. Maybe in consolation to myself to ease a bit from the pain.. is that, to think and put myself into the "being with" or "one with" ? the sharing of pains with Jesus.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

On Education..

The month of March is said to be the Month of Graduation in the Philippines. This year, I myself will be witnessing another Graduation Rites at Liceo Del Verbo Divino, the school were I'm at service. The Kinder 2 pupils will have their "Moving Up" activity (this is just a graduation per see in their Kinder level going to Grade School - grade one. The High School students at this very moment are now on their threshold's stage where they will be leaving the very precious moment of their high school days. A few more steps (few more days) from now, they will be marching to the graduation march music. A lot of stories to tell about the high school life, the college life of each every students. The sweet and sour moments of their life while on "pencil pushing". However, it will soon become memories to cherished. I know there will be mixed feelings among the graduates. For some, they are now planning ahead for their college life and the course that they are going to take. For the college students who will be graduating this year will also experience some other kind of excitement and jubilation. So much so, whatever level they are in now (pupils, students) from Kinder, Grade School, High School or College, they are all moving their future. Their perseverance in studies, the great endeavour of their parents in sending them to school... will payoff a price of a golden wealth in life .. that is EDUCATION. I is said that the right for education is a right to all. It is not a privilege. Unfortunately, in the end, in our situation at present it seems more and more children are out of school anymore. The dropped outs are increasing in high school and in college level. It is because of POVERTY; and the higher tuition fees of private schools, the scarcity of teachers; the increasing cases of broken families; and the influence of the new age of communications... that is the computer age. Every year we are producing more and more graduates. But in return , there are more who are unemployed. Are there more graduates who are qualified for the job openings or there are less job opportunities in our country?. Indeed, we are just producing more diplomas but less job opportunities. If there are jobs openings, it is so sad that more are not qualified or fit for the job. Others are also too ambitious. Some are choosing a job in which they not really qualified or fit because they have no skills. There are some who doesn't like to start a job which is a little bit at a lower rank or level. They are ashamed to try and start to work because they wanted a white collar job . Let us not forget the saying "Sipag at tiyaga", "Pag may tiyaga may ginhawa". In another story , there are those who are very lucky to be employed even if they are not qualified . It is because of "whom you know policy" , the "payola policy" or they called it "share share" as payment forthe "Utang na Loob". The very factor that contributes to our unskilled graduates or workers today is the "Downgraded Quality" of Education" that we have now. And the so many factors that affects our students. The corruption at the Department of Education and in some schools or there is something wrong in our education system itself?. Throughout the country the Local governments are continuously converting schools into State Universities. Unfortunately in the end, the share from the whole pie of the government's budget for education are becoming more smaller. Moreover, more schools now were given a permit to open but lack of school facilities. Not to mention the schools who are just renting a room or a building. So, because of the lack of opportunities here in our country, the result is the birth of the so called "Bagong Bayani" or the Overseas Filipino workers (OFW). From professional skilled workers or domestic employment. That is why we are now facing a new problem the so called "Brain Drain". Finally, these are just all my personal views on Education; Yes, there are problems in our country.. from education... to job opportunities...but there are also solutions to these.. That if the government will push hard in correcting the quality of our education system, stop corruption, opens more job opportunities, helping small scale industries and investing in skills training system like the TESDA, to help the unemployed to start a small scale underground economy that would support for their livelihood. I know that the story I have written has no end... but it rests on each individual to change and persevere to reach the unreachable star for a better future.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Generation X

The rapid growth and development in any fields of interests is now creeping "like a computer virus" into our lives. Generation to generation shows an instant pictures of the different flaws of life; the simple became more complicated. This is the effects of the culture being infiltrated from one source to another.. from one country to another..from one generation to another.... while the older ones are already been affected the most vulnerable are the newly born babies and the growing population of the youngsters. The Philippines' National Hero "Jose Rizal" once said "the youth are the hope of the nation". Well, what would be the future of the nation if the youth of today's generation are already been corrupted in thoughts words and in actions. The influenced of the "media, latest technologies like computers...cellphones..PSPs...gameboys, Mp3' 4 or 5 and a lot more.. . Unlike before, there are are only few choices to venture. . Now there are thousands of choices... and the result.the most important ones are now neglected... like the choice for "Pro-Life and Pro-God". What is more important to many is for his/her self's fulfillment. So much so, , the future of the our youth are also been re diverted and re classified to fall on this new age and trend of generation the Generation X. They have been re cultured..and acculturated with so many influences in life. In fact, more and more pupils and students in schools had been affected already in their studies The fastest growing numbers of them are already trapped in various vices like drugs, cigarettes and liquors, .. some are being influenced by fraternities... others became stow an early pregnancy..and became an unwed mothers. while some are already .affected by deceases.. like their very young age. Indeed, the families of the these young kids are already having problems. no less than a broken family. Parents are not gaining anymore respect from their children... "they are acting and behaving differently". New words from their "new age dictionary" have been invented and in scripted. These words are frequently can be heard when they talk to their "Kaberks" or friends. The code that no one can understand., only their generation. If you want to know it well, you have to decode it; one must learn and know the meaning the words used by the "Generation X". As an observation, , for some pupils and students studying in a private and catholic school., you will be surprised that some of them are saying "bad words" in their casual or usual conversations. I seems it's just a normal thing for them.. That is why the school is also struggling on how to reform the minds of their pupils and students. Much more the teachers also struggles to gain respect and attention for their lessons. The force of these so called "Generation X " are outstanding and gaining more fans and influence. It is too cautious to encounter and engaged to these generation.. They wanted to solved any problem in just a minute..their listening time capacity, now averaged more or less than 10 mins. If you cannot satisfied them within this span.. you're out of the instant solution for them. I once heard "It is much better to talk and tell their peers about their own personal problems rather than to talk and tell their parents about it". That is why parents are already complaining that they don't even knew their child anymore. Especially the "now you see now you don't" parents. These are the parents who have no or spent less time for their children because of some any reasons. They become losers...they lost the respect and love from their children and gain problems instead. Why X ? the X stands for "no", "wrong", or from the doctors point of view the prescriptions.. as it always indicated and printed in their prescription receipts, "Rx". Yes, there is something wrong. This is now the new wave that you can call it like a tidelwave , a tsunami or any man made disasters that affects the daily lives of the people. Therefore it needs priority.. and careful attention in order to regain the right path of life for our youth. Knowing them of what they are the right key to regain back their attention.. love and respect...and then lead them into the right path in life. The critical role of the parents plays the most significant. neither the school...and the church.... We have to learn how to be critical... on Media.. the need for media education and literacy is also important ..because this is the most influential tool and venue that affects our children of today's generation. Everyday they are exposed to it. If you can"not beat them .well join them .. if it is the only way to infiltrate to their fields... so the more we learn to know them .. the nearer we can guide them to the right path and direction in life".

Friday, February 26, 2010

The House

Many years ago our family had it's trail of transferring from one place to another. Yes, we have to transfer because we don't own the lot were we live. I witnessed at my young age the painful experienced that my family had faced and endured. As cast outs in the land which we don't own. Squatters in the eyes of the owner, we were forced to vacate and tear down our house and transferred somewhere else. I can still remember when we were told to leave, they were shouting to us... that was in the year 1960's. I'm still 3 or 4 years old. The last and the longest place were our family stayed and live is at SPPVS in sorsogon city. We transferred to that place in the year 1970's. I am already in high school that time. In this place many stories happened. This is the place were our eldest brother, my father and my mother died. The picture you see in this blog (the old and small house) Is the house built by my father after the typhoon that hits our place. The materials that my father used are the only few left from the former house that was destroyed by the typhoon. I left my family in 1981 after my two years in college. I look for a job in Manila in order to support our family. In the year 1984, our family faced it's painful experienced again when my eldest brother died. He was killed by an unknown killer,until now nothing happened to his case. We just leave it to God. My eldest brother was brutally killed , his head was cut off and the body was thrown in to the rice field 300 meters away from our house. I can't forget the scene and the picture of my father and mother crying while sitting near the window of our old small house.. I saw them.. when I arrived at home from manila. I felt the pain that my parents experienced on that time. I saw how my parents loved our eldest brother. In 1989..another challenge came to our family.... the death of our father. He suffered from stroke that caused to the deterioration of his body and health. He died a few days after our newly constructed and a little bit bigger house was done. He just wanted to stay in our house rather to be brought to the hospital,, because we don't have any resources. Before he died he look at us all...and we promised to him that we will take care of our mother. Just a few minutes ...he closed his eyes and died as if he is just sleeping...... In the year 1994, our eldest sister died of cancer... on that time we were silenced. We kept it secret to our mother so to avoid.. heart attack. On that time then, it seems that our mother could not recognised us at all anymore. Years after.... my brother who is older than me, died because of his kidney and eumonia. He died a few months after he visited us and our mother. After all...last 1996, our mother give way at her old age, she was 89 years old... she died after the the typhoon "Ruping" slashed and flattened our house. (the picture that you see on my blog). The death of my mother was a very painful experienced for me..... as the youngest son. and the so called "mamas boy".. I lost my mother!!!, it's painful you know. I don't have anymore mother to care , to love , to kiss and to hug. Now, at present , out of the six children in the family (3 brothers and 3 sisters) only three left, I myself and my two sisters; Manay Precy now a widow who is manila with her 2 children, and Manay Imelda , I call he "Nene" who still live in the place where i am telling you the story. Thank God! we were not yet told to vacate the place. Thus far, at this point is the story that I won't forget... that started from the "House".

Monday, February 22, 2010

Acts of Worship

Lent is Pilipino faith recounted in seven days. From the lusty welcome of the palms on a Sunday, to the sonorous reading of the Passion of Christ midweek, our faith undergoes a gradual renewal that explodes in cathartic grief on Good Friday's crucifixion.

Saturday brings closure , while Easter Sunday gives back a purified vision of ourselves reborn.

The scenes are replayed year after year, in big cities and small towns, a testament to how acts of worship are treasured encounters with both the dinine and the mortal in all of us. (excerpts from - sunday Inquirer magazine - March 10,2008)

A Journey of Faith

Ash Wednesday marks the start of a 40 days journey with Jesus. In the Church this is what we call the "Lenten Season". Following the 40 days of Jesus experienced in the desert after he was baptized by John the Baptist. There after, the start of Jesus public life. In 40 days Jesus did fast and pray, he was also tempted by the devil...and test his being " a man yet the Son of God". In an ordinary layman's understanding... this is the time that we can noticed in every Catholic churches... the colored Purple or Violet linen clothe of the altar table and the tabernacle, a very simple style in preparing for the Holy Mass.. no flowers.. and omitting the singing of the Alleluia before the Gospel reading. I remember the colored purple or violet that we used during the advent season -- the 3 candles of the Advent wreath. The purple or violet colored symbolizes Repentance. According to what I read it is also a Royal Color for a King. Yes indeed, the center of this occasion and celebration is -- Jesus Christ - the King of Kings !. so this is the time for us to recollect , reflect and do some acts of good service to the church and to others... Pray, Fast and Alms giving. A detour from our usual way of life...Here the focus is ourselves... our spiritual life.. A Journey of our Faith to God. Within forty (40) days we will walk hand and hand with our church through the different activities leading towards the roots of Faith Experience with God. from Ash Wednesday,...Palm Sunday.. to the Holy week celebration ... and to the ultimate peak of the 40 days journey the "Death of Jesus on Good Friday and the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday

Today (February 17,2010)marks the beginning of the Lenten season. The latest topic to talk about of all Catholics throughout the world. The "Ash" from the palms used last year's Palm Sunday, added with Holy water is the one used in marking a sign of a cross on the forehead. "Repent and Believe in the Gospel" this the religious word used during the liturgy. Ash Wednesday focuses to oneself''s redirection for the renewal of vows to God; turning away from sin and believe in the Gospel..going back to the care of the true "Shepherd" of our soul and spirit, "God". I myself , was also trapped into the cycle of life, remember many times that I have sinned against my God . I promised to changed; to repent,to confess but after all..I sometimes fall again into temptations to commit a sin, in my thoughts words and in actions ..When will anyone learned? When will I learned too? I am still struggling, trying my best to avoid committing sins, I know i have to reactivate my awareness and guilt conscience to avoid sin.Everyday there is always temptations that lured one's mind. Yet in the end it sparks with a guilty conscience to give way to renew our personal commitment, to change and go back to God's fold.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Ladder

There are stages in Life..from infancy to present whether you are still a kid, a pupil or a student, an adult , a young professional, working.... , a mom or dad... name it where you belong. Every stage has it's own stories to tell; happy, sad..frustrations...accomplisments...anything... that happened into our lives. Everyday is a one step our own destiny. When the time comes ... to reach a stage of folding up the life's expectancy..our capacity to live in this world..the body shows a different remarkable signs. Obviously HEALTH plays an important role. I have seen a lot of such indicators..and I've encountered and kept a lot of stories to tell from my family experienced' itself. Since i lost my father, our eldest brother next is our second to the sister..followed by my mother... and the latest is my brother older than me, who died at the age of 45. Now my time has come. I am already experiencing such effects or signs of what they say...growing older. It is complicated...a sudden change in my to more sky is the limit...because i have to limit already some of my activities which I can't perfectly function anymore..Yes the spirit is willing but the body is weak. Although I've gone through bargaining and denials...but I have to accept the reality in "Ladder in Life." Time will come that I too, will also pass on the stage where my love one's have gone through the Ladder.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Circus Again ?

On Politics: The opening salvo starts....whew! here they are again. Every time our country (Philippines) kicks off for the new election campaign, our politicians are doing their best to try anything, everything.. in order to gain popularity and public confirmation that they are the best candidates. Campaign materials can be seen anywhere .... they infiltrated anywhere ... on radio, TV , Print, and Internet...later you will see them singing, dancing...handshaking to the people whom they don't even know...roaming around the place ..even on public hopping...and a nationwide tour. Look at their faces.. they all trying to maintain..a cute and friendly smile..? Some used so many millions of money .already before the campaign...where did they get that big amount of money?... are you sure that they used it for the sake of their bid to win ?..After the elections... how can they manage to gain back their expenses..? This is the big question ? from the past until now.. the stories remains the same.... corruption... payola...under the table... bribery...kickbaks..immorality..politial dynasty..whom you know policy..laws created for the sake of the the lawmakers' benefits and not for the people..? where will our heading.for.? what is our future.?..I believe that one of the reason why we never succeeded, prosper as a country .it is because of Politics. After the elections...time will come that the people will start complaining again.... remember ? ... we voted for them.?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My first Time

This is the first time I've encountered such a high tech communications in my life...I've decided to be involved and grab the opportunity while I'm still alive... I know that this will help me in composing my self mentally and spiritually. Thanks to the people who invented this such a creative venue . This will now my time and era to unfold my sentiments..., to tell my stories in life , everything that i want to express in life...I don't mind whether it is grammatically right or wrong ..what is more important, I can now write and express my self through the blog.