

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Ladder

There are stages in Life..from infancy to present whether you are still a kid, a pupil or a student, an adult , a young professional, working.... , a mom or dad... name it where you belong. Every stage has it's own stories to tell; happy, sad..frustrations...accomplisments...anything... that happened into our lives. Everyday is a one step our own destiny. When the time comes ... to reach a stage of folding up the life's expectancy..our capacity to live in this world..the body shows a different remarkable signs. Obviously HEALTH plays an important role. I have seen a lot of such indicators..and I've encountered and kept a lot of stories to tell from my family experienced' itself. Since i lost my father, our eldest brother next is our second to the sister..followed by my mother... and the latest is my brother older than me, who died at the age of 45. Now my time has come. I am already experiencing such effects or signs of what they say...growing older. It is complicated...a sudden change in my to more sky is the limit...because i have to limit already some of my activities which I can't perfectly function anymore..Yes the spirit is willing but the body is weak. Although I've gone through bargaining and denials...but I have to accept the reality in "Ladder in Life." Time will come that I too, will also pass on the stage where my love one's have gone through the Ladder.

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